Mount a dial indicator to the mill table along the X-axis to the left of the spindle, with the tip pointing at the spindle.
. Jog the Y- and Z-axis to position the spindle head so the indictor tip contacts the outer diameter of the spindle cartridge (see Figure 9.1).
Carefully jog the X-axis in the positive direction until the indictor contacts the spindle. After initial contact, continue to jog the X-axis in the positive direction so that the dial makes at least one complete revolution; stop when dial reads 0.
Zero the X DRO field in PathPilot
In MDI field, program a positive X move of .01” at a feed rate of 5 IPM: G01 X.01 F5. The spindle head moves slightly in +X direction. When finished, indictor should read .010”.
Program an X move back to 0: G01 X0 F5. The spindle head moves slightly in the -X direction. The X DRO should say 0; however, the dial indicator should read a number very close to 0. This value is the measured lost motion.
Backlash compensation is used after the gib and angular contact bearings have been adjusted to less than .001” of lost motion.
Use the “ADMIN “ADMIN SET_AXIS_BACKLASH” BACKLASH” command in the MDI line to apply backlash compensation. Use X/Y/Z following the command to indicate the axis to apply backlash compensation to and a number following the axis to indicate the amount of compensation to apply. Compensation is limited to .005” per axis.
The “ADMIN “ADMIN GET_AXIS_BACKLASH” BACKLASH” command will display the current amount of backlash for each axis. The “ADMIN “ADMIN RESET_AXIS_BACKLASH” BACKLASH” command will reset the backlash values of all axes to 0.