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In This Section, You'll Learn:

How to use PathPilot, depending on the activity that you want to do.

Create and Load G-Code Files

To get started with PathPilot, you must first load or create a G-code file.

Load G-Code

To run a G-code program on a PathPilot controller, you must first verify that the file is on the controller. For more information on transferring and moving files, see "Transfer Files to and From the Controller".


The currently loaded G-code program closes.

Edit G-Code

In PathPilot, there are two ways to edit G-code:


  • To undo all changes made to an entire G-code program: select Close. When prompted, select Close Without Saving.

Read G-Code

Once your G-code file is loaded into PathPilot, you can read it in the following ways:


  • Double-click anywhere in the Tool Path display.

  • Select Reset.

Use Conversational Programming

To create simple parts, use the conversational programming feature in PathPilot.


  • Cyan Selected paths

  • Gray Disabled paths

  • White Drawing path

  • Magenta Cut path

  • Dark Cyan Stippled Line Tool path between cuts

  • The coordinates use the following colors:

    • Red X-axis

    • Green Y-axis

    • Blue Z-axis

Machine Settings and Accessories

Before running a G-code program, you must first make sure that the machine settings are properly configured.

Enable an Internet Connection

If desired, you can enable an internet connection on your PathPilot controller. An internet connection allows you to receive automatic PathPilot updates and transfer files with PathPilot Hub instead of a USB drive.


  1. From the Software Update dialog box, select the Check online daily for updates; confirmation required for download and installation checkbox.

  2. Select Close.
    When future updates are available, the Status tab displays a notification.

Change the Network Name

If you're connected to a network using either the Ethernet jack or the (optional) Wireless Network Adapter (PN 38207), the PathPilot controller appears on your network as network-attached storage. The default network name of the controller is TORMACHPCNC.


  1. Select the Enter key.

  2. For the change to take effect, you must restart the controller.

Select the Spindle Type

If you have an additional spindle (separate from the standard spindle), you must first select it in PathPilot.


  • From the Settings tab, from the Spindle Type drop-down, select the appropriate spindle option.


Change the Screen Orientation

A vertical orientation for 1920 × 1080 monitors is supported in PathPilot v2.10.0 and later. For more information on the portrait layout, go to "About Portrait Screen Layout" (page 37).


  • A wider G-code window to more easily read the loaded G-code file and, if enabled, line numbers.

  • The tool path window's view options are always visible for much easier access.

  • When browsing G-code files using the File tab, file previews display on the top portion of the screen.


Specify the Tool Change Method

When PathPilot finds an M06 command in a G-code program, it has different behaviors depending on the specified tool change method.


  1. The Cycle Start button flashes.

  2. The Tool Path display shows the requested tool number.

Disable Hard Stop Referencing

To provide a temporary workaround for a malfunctioning limit switch circuit, you can disable the limit switches.


Tip! This is useful for troubleshooting, because you're now able to move the axis.

Limit G30 Moves

You can limit G30 moves so that only the Z-axis moves. For information, see "About G30".


Tip! It's useful to program a G30 move right before a tool change so that the machine can jog to a safe tool change position.

Enable the On-Screen Keyboard

If you have an (optional) Touch Screen Kit (PN 35575), you can use a soft keyboard to type information in the PathPilot interface. For information, see "About Soft Keyboards".


The keyboard displays a wide range of keys: both uppercase and lowercase, symbols, arrow keys, caps lock, backspace and delete, and more.


Enable the USB M-Code I/O Interface Kit

If you have a USB M-Code I/O Interface Kit (PN 32616), you must first enable it in the PathPilot interface.


  • From the Settings tab, select USB IO Kit (PN 32616).


Enable Tooltips

PathPilot displays expandable tooltips for many areas of the interface. Hovering over an item, like a DRO field or a button, displays helpful information about the item.


NOTE: If you disable the tooltips, you can still display them for specific items. Hover over an area of the interface, and select the Shift key on the keyboard.

Enable the Door Lock Switch Kit

If you have a Door Lock Switch Kit, you must first enable it in PathPilot.


  1. Close the enclosure doors and verify that the Door Open LED is off. Then, push in the Emergency Stop button on the operator box.
    The doors lock, and the Door Locked LED comes on.

  2. From the PathPilot interface, on the Status tab, make sure that the Door Open LED is off.

  3. Unlock the enclosure doors: twist out the Emergency Stop button and press the Reset button on the operator box.
    The doors unlock.

Enable Feeds and Speeds Suggestions in Conversational Routines

You can use PathPilot to automatically calculate feeds and speeds. For more information, see "Use Feeds and Speeds Suggestions".

  • From the Settings tab, select Conversational Feeds and Speeds.


Specify Probing and Tool Measuring Options

If you have any of the following accessories, you must first specify which you're using in the PathPilot interface:

To specify a probe or a tool setter:

  • From the Settings tab, select the correct probing or tool measuring options for both Accessory Input 1 and Accessory Input 2.


Use the RapidTurn Interface

If you have a RapidTurn, you must first change the PathPilot interface.


The PathPilot interface for the mill closes, and the PathPilot interface for the RapidTurn opens.

Specify the 4th Axis Rotary Type

To select the 4th axis that you're using:


Enable the 4th Axis Homing Kit

If you have a 4th Axis Homing Kit (PN 31921), you must first enable it in the PathPilot interface.


  • From the Settings tab, select the 4th Axis Rotary tab. Then, select 4th Axis Homing (PN 31921).


Use a USB Camera

After plugging in the USB camera, navigate to the camera settings. From the PathPilot interface, in the Settings tab, open the Camera(s) tab. Identify the Camera Status read-only dialog box.


For more information, see Display Information and Capture Images During an M00 or M01 Break.

Set Up G-Code Programs

Before running a G-code program, you must first make sure that the machine is properly set up for the specific G-code program.

Use a Probe with PathPilot

Use the Probe tab in the PathPilot interface to automate functions with a probe.


The probe moves around the round workpiece mounted in the A-axis to find the center rotation of the A-axis.

Set Tool Length Offsets

Before running a G-code program, PathPilot must know the length of the tools that are required for the program. For more information on using tool length offsets, see "About Tool Offsets".


Touch off the tool length offsets by using a reference surface with a known height, which gives you a basis to measure any other tool lengths. Use any surface that is parallel (within 0.02 mm) to the machine table. For example:

There are two steps to touch off the tool offsets. Complete the following steps in the order listed:


  1. Select Touch Z.
    The length of the tool is stored in the Tool Table window.

  2. From the Tool Table window, in the Length column, verify that the length of the tool is correct.

  3. In the Diameter column, type the diameter of the tool. Then select the Enter key.

  4. Jog the Z-axis up (+Z).
    You've completed the procedure to measure a tool offset. Repeat this procedure for any remaining tooling you have. Once you're done adding tool length offsets, switch back to your work coordinate system.

Set Work Offsets

To set the current axis location to zero in the active work coordinate system:


Work Offset Naming

Offsets 1-9 (Use either name)


Extended Name



G54.1 P1



G54.1 P2



G54.1 P3



G54.1 P4



G54.1 P5



G54.1 P6



G54.1 P7



G54.1 P8



G54.1 P9


Offsets 10-500 (Use extended name)


Extended Name



G54.1 P10

Not used


G54.1 P11

Not used



G54.1 P499

Not used


G54.1 P500

Not used

View Work Offsets

To view the current work offset:


To change the current work offset, go to "Set Work Offsets".

View Available G-Code Modes

The G-Code Description window shows a list of all available G-code modes.


  • From the Settings tab, find the G-Code Description window.


Run G-Code Programs

While running a G-code program, use the following controls:

Bring the Machine Out of Reset

  • Select Reset.


For more information on reset mode, see "About Reset Mode".


You can select the Reset button any time while the machine is on.

View the Active Axis to Jog

To find which axis is active while jogging your machine:


For information, see "Jog the Machine".

Jog the Machine

To switch between jogging modes:


The jog keys on the keyboard only move the machine in steps when step mode is indicated in PathPilot. The inner wheel on the jog shuttle always moves the machine in steps, regardless of which mode is indicated in PathPilot.

View the Current Machine Position

  • Identify the Work Offset DRO fields.


When the machine isn't moving, you can edit the DRO fields. For more information on setting work offsets, go to "Set Work Offsets".

Reference the Machine

  1. Verify that the machine can freely move to its reference position (at the ends of travel).

  2. To verify that the tooling is clear of any possible obstructions, reference the Z-axis before referencing the other axes: from the PathPilot interface, select Ref Z.


When referencing, the machine moves each axis to the end of its travel. The machine stops at the limit switch, which sets the axis’ reference position.

Start a Program

  • From the PathPilot interface, in the Main tab, select Cycle Start.


  • While you're not in the Main tab. For information, see Main Tab.

  • Before you've loaded a G-code program. For information, see "Load G-Code".

  • Before referencing the machine. For information, see "Reference the Machine".

Stop Machine Motion

  • From the Program Control area, select Stop.


Operate the Coolant Pump

To turn coolant on or off:


Use the Coolant button before or after a program is running, while a program is running, or while you are using manual data input (MDI) commands.

View the Active G-Code Modes

To find the currently active G-code modes and the currently active tool at a glance:


For more information on G-code modes, go to "View Available G-Code Modes".

View the Distance to Go

To view the distance to go:


After using the feed hold function or the maxvel override function, look at the distance to go. This read-only DRO field is useful to prove out a part program.

Control G-Code Programs

If necessary, use the following controls to add to your G-code program:

Use the Feed Hold Function

  • Select Feed Hold.


Tip! Use the Spacebar key to quickly activate the feed hold function.


You can use the feed hold function either while a program is running or while you are using manual data input (MDI) commands. If the program is running a spindle-synchronized move, the feed hold function is delayed until the move is complete.

Use the Feed Rate Override Function

To use the feed rate override function:


The Feed Rate Override slider and Feed 100% button work similarly to the spindle override controls. They affect the commanded feed rate by a percentage from 1-200%. The feed rate override works for MDI, jogging, and G-code program G01/G02/G03 moves. The override has no effect on G00 (rapid) moves.

Use M01 Break Mode

  • Select M01 Break.


For more information on using M01 break mode, see "About M01 Break".


  1. Add M01 (op1_setup.jpg) into your G-code program.

  2. Run the G-code program.

  3. When PathPilot executes the M01 it looks to see if the comment contains a file.

    1. If there isn’t a file name: The comment is shown as instructional text across the tool path.

    2. If there is a file name, but the file doesn’t exist yet and the extension is .jpg, .png, or .jpeg: The USB cameras are initialized and shown in the tool path display.

Use the Maxvel Override Function

To use the maxvel override function:


To indicate lack of motion or unusual levels, the slider turns yellow when it's either at 0% or above 100%.

Use Single Block Mode

  • Select Single Block.


For more information on using single block mode, see "About Single Block".


NOTE: Single block mode ignores non-motion lines, like comment lines or blank lines.

Use the Spindle Override Function

To use the spindle override function:


To indicate lack of motion or unusual levels, the slider turns yellow when it's either at 0% or above 100%.

Change the Feed Rate

  • In the Feed Rate DRO field, type in a feed rate. Then select the Enter key.



Feed Rate

Coordinated linear motion of one or more axis (X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis)

Inches per minute (G20) or millimeters per minute (G21)

Rotational axis motion of one axis (A-axis)

Degrees per minute

Coordinated linear motion of one or more axis (X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis) with simultaneous rotational axis motion (A-axis)

Usually programmed in inverse time feed rate mode (G93)

Change the Spindle Speed

  • In the Spindle RPM DRO field, type in a spindle speed. Then select the Enter key.


  • Low 70 rpm to 2,000 rpm

  • High 250 rpm to 10,000 rpm

Change the Tool Number

The Tool DRO field shows the tool currently in the spindle.


  • Change the number of the currently-loaded tool in the spindle to the number typed in the Tool DRO field. This is the equivalent of an M06 command.

  • Apply the tool length offset for that tool typed in the Tool DRO field. For more information on tool length offsets, see "Set Tool Length Offsets". This is the equivalent of a G43 command.

Use a G30 Position

The Go to G30 button moves the machine to a predefined G30 position. For information, see "About G30".


Tip! It's useful to program a G30 move right before a tool change so that the machine can jog to a safe tool change position.

View the Tool Length

  • Identify the Tool Length read-only DRO field.


If the tool offset doesn't match the number of the tool in the Tool DRO field, the text is orange on a red background.

Manually Enter Commands

You can send G-code commands directly to the machine by using the MDI Line DRO field. For information, see "About the MDI Line DRO Field".


Admin Command

Use to...

Admin Audio

Customize the controller's audio device settings.

Admin Calc

Open the calculator.

Admin Clear

Clear the message history on the Status tab.

Admin Config

Change the configuration of the PathPilot interface.

Admin CycleCounter

Control the cycle counters in the Tool Path display.

Admin Date

Customize the controller's date and time.

Admin Display

Customize the controller's screen display.

Admin Dropbox

Connect your controller to a Dropbox account for cloud file syncing.

Admin Help

Review a list of available Admin commands.

Admin Keyboard

Customize the controller's keyboard layout.

Admin Logdata

Write the latest machine log data to a USB drive for technical support assistance.

Admin Memory

Determine how much total RAM is on your controller.

Admin Mouse

Change the mouse preferences, like pointer speed and right- or left-hand button mapping

Admin Network

Configure a Wi-Fi network.

Admin OpenDoorMaxRPM

Change the maximum spindle speed with the spindle cabinet door open, when using the optional Enclosure Door Switch Kit.

Admin Reset_Soft_Limits

Reset axis soft limits to machine defaults.

Admin Set_X_Limit

Set the X-axis soft limit.

Admin Set_Y_Limit

Set the Y-axis soft limit.

Admin Set_Z_Limit

Set the Z-axis soft limit.

Admin Settings Backup

Create a backup of tool offset and fixture information to store externally.

Admin Settings Restore

Restore tool offset and fixture information backup from an external location.

Admin Show_Soft_Limits

Display the current axis soft limits on the Status tab.


Set the milliseconds prior to displaying the tooltip (and then again for the expanded tooltip). The default is 1200 milliseconds.


Limit the amount of time the expanded tooltip displays. The default is 15 seconds.

Admin Touchscreen

Adjust the touch screen calibration.

Admin Version

Display detailed version information on the Status tab.

Copy Recently Entered Commands

  1. From the MDI Line DRO field, press either the Up Arrow key or the Down Arrow key.
    The previously entered command displays.

  2. You must press the Enter key to execute the command. To abandon the command, press Esc.

For information, see "Manually Enter Commands".

Use Feeds and Speeds Suggestions

NOTE: Calculating feeds and speeds requires that PathPilot has relevant details about the tooling. If you haven't yet done so, go to "Create Tool Descriptions".







drill, centerdrill, tap, ball, chamfer, spot, flat, taper, bullnose, lollypop, flycut, shearhog, drag, saw, indexable

Drill, Ball, Flycut, Drag

“Drag” indicates that the tool is a drag tool, and has no (0) RPM associated with it.


A number followed by “FL” or “FLUTE”

4FL, 12FL, 2flute

No flutes is specified the same as two flutes.

length of cut (or flute length)

“loc” followed by a colon, followed by a decimal number


If no length of cut is specified, a length is assumed based on cutter diameter.

tool coating

TiN, AlTiN, TiAlN, CNB, ZrN, TiB2, TiB, TiCN, DLC, uncoated, nACo

TiN, ZrN, TiB2

No coating is specified same as “uncoated.”

tool diameter

“diameter” or “dia” followed by a colon, followed by a decimal number

Diameter:.0341, dia:.750

tool material

carbide, HSS, CoHSS, CRB, carb, diamond, DMND

HSS, CoHSS, crb

No tool material is specified the same as HSS (high-speed steel).

tool radius

“R” or “radius” followed by a colon, followed by a decimal number

R:.02, radius:0.02

No radius is specified the same as a zero radius.

Use Cycle Counters (M30 and M99)

On the Main tab, the Tool Path display shows M30 and M99 cycle counters. They're useful to count parts completed during unattended operation. For each M-code, there's an A and B counter. This provides more flexibility, because you can reset them to 0 independently.


For example, if you program G10 L99 P2, the M99 A cycle counter increments by 1.

System File Management

To keep the files on your system backed up and organized, use the following controls:

Manage System Files

Use the File tab to manage system files on the PathPilot controller. For information, see "Transfer Files to and From Controller".


To navigate through the system files:

  • Select Back or Home.

Create Backup Files

  1. Insert a blank, formatted USB drive into the PathPilot controller.


Make a regular backup of all tool offset and fixture information and machine settings stored on your PathPilot controller. Store the file externally to use if you replace your controller or restore it to factory settings.

Restore Backup Files

  1. Insert the USB drive with your backup files into the PathPilot controller.

  2. From the PathPilot interface, on the Main tab, in the MDI Line DRO field, type ADMIN SETTINGS RESTORE. Then select the Enter key.
    The Admin Settings Restore dialog box displays.


NOTE: Files must have unique names. If they don't, PathPilot prompts you to overwrite or rename files, or cancel the file transfer.

Import and Export the Tool Table

You can manage the tool table using an external .csv file.


This is a section of the 1100MX operator's manual. To view the whole manual, go to Tormach document UM10586.

If you have additional questions, we can help. Create a support ticket with Tormach Technical Support at for guidance on how to proceed.