To swap out the ball screw you will need to do the following:
Remove the stainless steel X-axis limit switch guard
Remove the X-axis motor cover by removing the 4 flat-head cap screws
Detach the ball screw side of the motor coupling by loosening the two socket head cap screws
Remove the X-axis motor mount assembly by removing the four socket head cap screws securing the mount casting to the table
Carefully slide the table to the right to expose the ball nut mount
Detach the ball nut from the ball nut carrier casting by removing the six socket head cap screws
Carefully remove the x-axis ball nut oil distribution line from the ball nut
Remove the x-axis ball screw assembly from the machine
To reassemble, reverse steps 1-8 making sure to reconnect the x-axis ball nut oil line. When reassembling, leave the x-axis motor mount assembly cap screws finger tight. Reconnect the coupler but hold short of putting all the covers back on. Power up your machine and controller and carefully jog the x-axis from one limit to the other keeping an eye out for any binding. Once you have tested the x-axis you can snug down the mount’s cap screws and reattach the cover plate and limit switch cover.