1. Install SprutCAM. Installation links are in the dropdown below for previous versions

Version 17: https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM_X_17_Setup.exe

Version 16: https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM_X_Setup.exe

Version 15: https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM15Setup.exe

Version 14:  http://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM14AmericaSetup.exe

Version 12:  https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM12Setup.exe 

Version 11:  https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM11Setup.exe

Version 10:  https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM10Setup.exe

Version 9:  https://download.sprutcam.com/links/SprutCAM9Setup.exe

Version 8: http://download.sprutcam.com/download/sprutcam/version-8/release_EN_RU.zip

Version 7: http://download.sprutcam.com/download/sprutcam/version-7/version-7.1.6/sprutcam-

2. Once installed, follow the instructions in the dropdown below to login and activate the new versions trial.

  1. Login with the information provided through the Welcome email that was sent during account creation. If you do not have this, please contact support@sprutcamamerica.com with a 4 digit pin to reset the PW to.

  2. Once signed in, select Add in the bottom left.

  3. Request a new license.

  4. Your information should be auto filled, click Request Trial License

  5. Once submitted, your dealer will need to approve the trial. Please contact support@sprutcamamerica.com if you need it immediately so we can push it through.