General Tips for the Automatic Tool Changer (ATC)

General Tips for the Automatic Tool Changer (ATC)


The Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) is a complicated system that balances mechanical, electrical, and pneumatics to change tools. Each needs to be set up correctly to get the most out of your ATC.

Table of Contents

General ATC Maintenance and Troubleshooting

This video applies for all M Style Atc’s. Not everything will apply for the 440 ATC’s.

Air setup and adjustment

  • Inspect the air tanks recharge pressure to make sure it is 95+PSI.
    If it’s not, look at the compressor manufacture’s instructions to see if you can safely increase it.

  • Set the FRL just below the tank's minimum. This will allow the machine receive air that does not fluctuate with the air compressor.
    Example 1: My compressor starts to recharge at 90 PSI and goes all the way up to 105 PSI. I need to set my FRL to 88, 89, or 90 to get the most consistent results.
    Example 2: My compressor starts to recharge at 80 PSI and goes all the way up to 100 PSI. I need to read through my compressor's manual to see if I can increase the minimum tank pressure or find another compressor that will be suitable for my machine.

  • Readjust the drawbar to match the air pressure on the regulator as detailed in Power drawbar setup and adjustment.

Increasing the FRL/machine pressure to 100+ PSI will shorten the stroke length of the drawbar making tool changes unreliable, even though it allows for more clamping force on the tool shank.

ATC software

  • PathPilot v2.7.3 changes the way the tray behaves so that it always approaches the tool from the same direction, which makes the ATC more reliable. We recommend updating or reading the release notes.

  • When setting the ATC ++/--, set it so that it’s centered beneath the spindle. This can be done by lowering the open R8 so it sits over the chamfer of the TTS tool holder and lightly pushing and pulling (rotating) the tray while pressing the ++/-- buttons.

Power drawbar setup and adjustment

  • Adjust the power drawbar bolt so it sits about 0.050 in. above the drawbar when there is no tool in the spindle.

  • Double check the tool release, ensuring that it doesn’t “hang”, and then loosen it an additional 1/4- to 1/2-turn.

Mechanical changes

  • Tool length inconsistency can occur when the tool isn’t seated fully against the spindle nose.

This was more common with our old R8s (that protruded past the nose), but the Lydnex-branded R8s are designed to stay inside of the spindle or just barley extend out when open.


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