Onshape in SprutCAM

Onshape in SprutCAM


Why Onshape?

Onshape is a CAD software first and foremost. Although SprutCAM has a CAD, you are not forced to use it. Because of this, you can use the Onshape plugin, that comes integrated into the software, at no extra cost. This allows you to login to your account and do a few things with it.

1. Import your solid models from your account.

2. Update your solid model in Onshape and it will ask to update in SprutCAM

3. Save and Load SprutCAM Projects to your Onshape account for a one stop shop for your models and projects

Lets take a closer look at each of these.



  1. Hover over the folder icon and at the bottom you will see Import From Onshape

2. It will then ask you to login. Once logged in, you can click the solid model you need and you can start going through the workflow.

Auto Update


  1. Once a file is imported, you can make changes in Onshape and the Update Manager will trigger and ask you if you want to update

    The changes were made to the top model (extended the length by an inch)


Once updated, the Job Assignments will not need to be redone unless the direct face or edge was removed. I would check them just in case.

Upload/Save a File to Onshape


  1. To save a SprutCAM Project File to Onshape, hover over the Save Icon and choose export to Onshape

2. If you have not saved previously, it will ask for a project name.

3. You will now see it in the list on your Onshape account

Load a SprutCAM Project File from Onshape


  1. Hover over the folder icon and at the bottom you will see Import From Onshape

2. It will then ask you to login. Once logged in, you can click the SprutCAM Project File and it will load up in SprutCAM.


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