File Tab Reference

File Tab Reference

From the File tab, you can do the following activities:

  • Transfer robot programs to or from USB drives.

  • Log into PathPilot HUB and transfer files from your online PathPilot account.

  • Edit robot programs.

  • Load files into PathPilot to run programs.

  • Create folders, rename, and move files within the system.

There are three sections in the File tab:

  • The left-hand section displays locations on the controller's hard drive. This is where you can find robot programs that you've saved or that came with the controller. The root of this directory, accessible by selecting the Home button, is located on the controller's hard drive at ~/nc_files/robot_programs.

  • If a USB drive is put into the controller, a middle section displays, which lists files stored on the USB drive. 

  • The right-hand section is a preview of the currently highlighted file. If you select a new file, the code preview displays in this section.

Load a Robot Program

There are two ways to load a robot program from the file list:

  1. Select a program in the file list, and then select Load Program (above the left-hand section). The selected program loads, and the Main tab displays.

  2. Double click a program in the file list. The selected program loads, and the Main tab displays.

Note: If the program contains an error that prevents the interpreter from loading it, the error displays on the Status tab and the program won’t load on the Main tab. Resolve the error by editing the program and try to load it again.

Edit a Robot Program

Select a program in the file list, and then select Edit Program. The selected file opens in a code editor. The default code editor is PyCharm Community edition. If you want to change the code editor, you can do so on the Settings tab.

Edit a Robot Program Using Conversational Tab Features

Select a program in the file list, and then select Conv. Edit. The main tab of the Conversational tab opens with the selected file active. From this tab, you can add, delete, or reorder commands using the conversational programming features.

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