Button/Control Reference

Button/Control Reference

Program Control Area

Cycle Start

Use the Cycle Start button to start a robot program. While running a program, the LED in the upper right-hand corner of the button illuminates.

Note: The LED flashes during feed hold and optional pauses.

Single Block

When active (the Single Block button’s LED is on), single block mode modifies the behavior of Cycle Start to execute one line (or command) of the robot program. Upon completion of that line, program execution pauses and the Cycle Start button’s LED flashes, prompting you to execute the next (single) line.

You can turn this feature on or off before running a program or during program execution.

Note: Non-motion (comment lines and non-motion commands) lines are ignored by single block mode.

Feed Hold

When active (the Feed Hold button’s LED is on), machine motion pauses and the Cycle Start button’s LED flashes. To turn feed hold off, select Cycle Start.

You can turn this feature on or off during program execution or during manual data input (MDI) moves. Feed hold has no effect when the machine isn't moving.

Optional Pause

When active (the Optional Pause button’s LED is on), program execution stops at an Optional Pause in the robot program. The machine stops at the Optional Pause line and the Cycle Start button’s LED flashes. To resume program execution, select Cycle Start.


Stops all machine motion. When you select the Stop button while running a program or during an MDI move, the machine stops. Selecting Stop doesn’t change the current state of the machine's digital outputs.


Use the Reset button to bring the machine out of an emergency stop condition, reset the robot program, and clear alarm messages on the Status tab. The Reset button flashes when the machine is first powered on, after an emergency stop, or when the safety input is triggered. You must bring the machine out of reset to enable robot motion (either jogging or program execution).

Feed Rate Override Slider and 100% Button

The Feed Rate Override slider changes the programmed velocity of linear moves by a specified percentage. The Feed 100% button will restore the feed rate to 100% of the commanded velocity.

Maximum Velocity Override Slider and 100% Button

The Maximum Velocity Override slider changes the velocity of all robot motion (including jogging) by a specified percentage. The Maxvel 100% button restores the velocity setting to the maximum velocity allowed by jogging or by the robot program.

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