xsTECH Router Demo #1: Artistic Wave Pattern
In this demo, you will learn:
How to reference the xsTECH Router
Basic workholding and fixturing
How to install a tool
How to set a work offset (X0Y0Z0)
How to load a G-code program and run a basic program
Before you begin
You will need:
1" x 6" dimensional lumber, cut to 8" lengths
4 mm ER11 collet
2 mm ballnose end mill
Step clamp kit
The following items will also be helpful:
Cordless drill with 1/4" or M5 drill bit
Carpenter's square and pencil for layout work
PART 1 - Prepare the workpiece
There are many methods to prepare a workpiece. This method demostrates an easy way to prepare a simple workpiece for the xsTECH Router.
A.) Layout the project dimensions
Use a carpenter's square and a pencil to draw two lines as shown in the photo below. The area between these lines represents the cutting area of the demo program.
B.) Setup the workholding
Use the step clamp kit to secure the workpiece as shown below
Alternatively, drill 1/4 in. holes and clamp the workpiece directly to the table using the bolts.
PART 2 - Initial set up of the machine
The steps in this section demonstrate the typical workflow for setting up a CNC machine and should done (or confirmed) at the beginning of every project.
A. ) Reference the machine
Referencing establishes the coordinate system for a CNC machine.
How do I reference the xsTECH Router?
B. ) Install the cutting tool
Install a 2 mm ballnose end mill (PN 39171) in the spindle.
How do I install tools on the xsTECH Router?
C.) Set the Work Offset (X0Y0Z0)
A work offset relates a location in 3D machine space the CNC program. Refer to the knowledge base article below to learn more about work offsets:
How do I set X-, Y-, and Z-axis work offsets on the xsTECH Router?
For this demo, you can use the following procedure to set X0Y0Z0.
1) Set X0 and Y0
Use the jog shuttle to position the tool above the back left corner of the work area.
Zero X and Y axis by pressing the ZERO buttons next to each axis DRO.
The X-and Y- DROs should now read "0".
2) Set Z0
Position your cutter above the center of the workpiece. Turn the spindle on to 10,000 RPM.Using the jog shuttle, slowly move the spindle in -Z direction until the tool just touches the work and a creates a small amount of chipsZero Z axis by pressing the Z0 button:
The Z DRO should now read "0":
PART 3 - Run the Program
A) Load program
Download the program attached to this page to a USB memory stick. Insert the memory stick into the USB hub attached to the PathPilot controller and load the program.
The preview of the program will display on the screen
B) Start the program
Press the cycle start button on the screen to execute the program.