Transferring / Transfer/ Download / Install Links for SprutCAM

Transferring / Transfer/ Download / Install Links for SprutCAM

Below is an up to date list of all SprutCAM installation links along with some quick tips to activate your seat if this for a purchased license.

There are a few ways then to activate your seat.

  1. If you know your ID/PW, you can log in and activate your seat, either online login or USB dongle. If you do not know your ID/PW and are an Online login user, you can open a ticket here: SprutCAM X Software Support

  2. If you use a USB dongle and have access to your old computer, go to C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\Licence and copy everything in there to the same folder on the new computer. Do the same for C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\Common Licenses if you are a Tormach user. If you are unable to do this, proceed to option 3.

  3. If you use a USB dongle and do not have access to your old computer, please check your case history in Jira for your SprutCAM V(your version) case that will have all the installation information when you purchased it.

  4. If you do not have the ability to access the folders or your case history, please open a ticket here: SprutCAM X Software Support

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