Probe Tripped During a Commanded Move

Probe Tripped During a Commanded Move


If you command movement on your 1300PL, but get an error stating that the Probe Tripped During a Commanded Move, there can be a few causes. This is an error generated only when ohmic touch is used. Below lists some possible solutions.


Use ohmic probing when:

  • Your work piece is thinner than 18 ga (1.2 mm).

  • Cutting large work pieces, where the torch is not crossing over open water between cuts.

Table of Contents

Press the Test Torch button

Reason: Consumables are dirty or wet.

If you are using ohmic touchoff, and your consumables are dirty or get wet, this can falsely trip the ohmic probe. You can attempt to clean out the consumables by using the Test Torch button in PathPilot. This will fire the torch wherever it currently rests. So, if you have a good piece of material you don’t want damaged, use this button off to the side.

Manually disassemble and clean consumables (replace if needed)

Reason: Consumables are dirty or wet.

Reference your Hypertherm manual on the proper procedures to remove, clean, and replace your consumables, if needed.

Adjust potentiometer on Torch Height Control Board

Reason: Potentiometer set too sensitive.

Read how to properly set your ohmic probing sensitivity, here.


If you continue to have issues, please reach out to Tormach Technical Support.



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